The Warmley Waiting Room is a quaint cafe and tea house along the bicycle path from Bristol to Bath in the UK. But instead of being known for coffee, baked goods, or sandwiches, it's acclaimed for its amazing life-size Tardis toilet fit for humans and Time Lords alike.
To build the Doctor Loo, Justin Hoggars, who owns the Warmley Waiting Room, purchased a full-size replica Tardis and converted the Doctor's time and space-traveling box into a Victorian-style bathroom. The restroom is completely fitted with everything patrons and cyclists along the path need to do their business, including a toilet, a sink with hot and cold water, and a hand dryer.
Lights in the restroom are triggered by motion detection sensors, so they turn on and off as patrons enter and exit. But perhaps what's most impressive is that the light affixed to the top of the Tardis also lights up when someone's inside to let other patrons know it's occupied.
And what Tardis would be complete without the standard Tardis wheezing noise? A doorbell installed in the cafe itself triggers the classic sound, and owner Hoggars, a huge "Doctor Who" fan, sets off the noise whenever someone stops to pose for a picture with the Tardis, which he says is quite often lately.
So the next time you're in Bristol, be sure to stop by the Warmley Waiting Room to experience the cafe's Doctor Loo. Even Time Lords and Whovians need a toilet sometimes.