Animals were explored pretty thoroughly as an espionageoption by the CIA. One such was Acoustic Kitty,and it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a cat was implanted with abattery and microphone, with an antenna in its tail; the idea was that the catwould wander about merrily doing cat things, and the microphone would pick upaudio and transmit it to the CIA. Its first mission was to eavesdrop on two menin a park near the Soviet compound; upon release, it tried to cross the roadand was killed by a passing taxi. The estimated cost of the project was around$25 million.
August 27, 2014 10:31 PM PDT Photo by: The National Security Archive / Caption by: Michelle Starr comments 0 facebook twitter linkedin googleplus more moreCrazy CIA spy tech from the 50s, 60s and 70s
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