Get a free year of LastPass Premium

Regular readers know of my undying love for password managers, which make your online life considerably easier -- to say nothing of way more secure.

If you're already using one, great -- feel free to skip ahead to the bonus deals below. If not, get ready for a seriously sweet offer: AppSumo is offering a free one-year subscription to LastPass Premium. Regular price: $12.

Update: As often happens, free stuff broke the Internet. AppSumo's site appears to be down, no doubt due to heavy traffic. My advice: keep trying. And stay tuned for updates. I'll let you know when I get a response from the company.

Granted, that's literally saving you just a buck per month, but I'm hoping it's enough to encourage people who otherwise balk at the idea of a password manager. Because once you start using this, you'll wonder how (and why) you ever got along without it. (Yep, I'm looking at you, certain family members.)